Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My First (and Possibly Last) 2012 Planner

     I've always imagined myself having a little notebook where I could write everything I've learned, I want to do, project schedules, deadlines etc. Last year, one of my idols in the ARTWORLD bought his first during the mid year and at first, I didn't fully understand why it was
epic to buy a planner during the mid year. (I'm this innocent every once in a while) It was just last December that I decided to have my little useful book to keep myself organized. After my very long vacation from work, as I was surfing the net, I noticed there were lots of planner related posts. Suddenly, I realized, what I needed was a planner. Out of nowhere, an office mate asked if I'm interested to buy her planner. Thank God it was exactly what I wanted. Take a peek.!

Nothing special, but the cover is pretty neat.

This will be my all year notebook after all so why not be generous with the name tag. Doodled it like a boss.

A 2012 & 2013 calendar, nothing special here. This will probably be a mess at the end of the year.

A birthday list, finally!!

Filling this up last night made me realize a lot of things, one is that I have so much things to do before I die, second was that all these things are very achievable if I keep a positive outlook in life and last is that I'm only at the beginning of my real journey. It was also really useful in a way cause it helped me plan my goals better.

January dashboard is pretty nice. I won't be posting the other dashboards yet though. :-)

What I love about this planner is the fact that it really as an artist's planner. You get to see artworks every now and then. There are also interactive activities for everyone. Exciting!

To find out more about this amazing planner, visit their website at http://slateplanner.com/

     I'm really hoping that I make this year a productive one and I know this planner will do the trick or at least lend a hand in achieving that. While typing this blog, I had this realization that my planner will be the best partner for my blog. Whatever is written on this planner has 70% chance of being posted, that way, everyone will be updated always!


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